Some self-employed clients (builders) were referred to us via a networking group full of property investors. They were looking to release equity from their own home to invest so they would have a buffer for their business due to their ‘lumpy’ and inconsistent cash flow. Along with this, they would structure their application whereby the male applicant would be solely a guarantor to the loan so his QBCC requirements were not impacted. The clients had been advised that due to their complex structure which included multiple entities, they would not be considered for funding by both banks and other brokers. By using low-doc funding via an accountant’s declaration we managed to refinance their existing facility that was with a prime lender to a cheaper rate and release adequate equity so they could both invest into multiple projects and have the cash-flow buffer for their business that they craved. This was all achieved with the male applicant being a guarantor to the facility and not having to stress about his QBCC requirements. The clients were very pleased with the outcome and has resulted in multiple referrals.