This was a married couple, aged in their 60’s looking to purchase a new Principal Place of Residence (PPR) property whilst selling their existing PPR. These customers had approached “Aussie” and another brokerage as they were wanting as close to a 30-year loan term as possible. They had previously been advised their maximum loan term was 15 to 20 years. They were initially rather sceptical from previous brokers that anything could be achieved. Several phone conversations were held with these customers, who were uneasy in the process at first, and we assured them we could find a suitable solution which provided some comfort. After some research, we advised them we could source a solution that was not only a full 30-year loan term but also obtain them a cheap fixed rate for 2 years as well. The customers were very happy to proceed and we managed to obtain a formal approval within a week of submission. The clients were very thankful and appreciative of our services and advised they would certainly recommend us to any family and friends.